SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: Executive protection/personal protection

Types of Protective Details

Protective details may encompass a variety of clientele.  Common circumstances requiring protective details include, but are not limited to:  stalking victims, high-risk employment termination, persons targeted by threats of violence, celebrities, and business executives. 

Protective services are available

On Target Investigation & Consulting, LLC offers protective services. Our focus is on protective details to meet short-term needs. We are certified through PA Act 235 – Lethal Weapons Certification to provide armed protection.  Our agency strives to ensure your safety, well-being, and peace of mind. We will meet with you to discuss the specifics of your situation and tailor an effective response designed to enhance your safety. Our philosophy of a protective detail is emphasis on preventing “bad situations” rather than on having to react to “bad situations,” whenever possible. 

CONTACT US today to see how we can enhance your safety & well-being!

“Professionalism is Our Hallmark”


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