Top 10 Reasons to Be a PALI Member

So, you may be asking yourself, “Why should I be a member of PALI (Pennsylvania Association of Licensed Investigators)?”  It has been 8 years since I decided to join this state-wide organization of professional investigators and security providers.  I would like to share my “Top 10 List” (in no particular order) of reasons for joining and maintaining membership in this association. 

#1:  Subscription to PI Magazine

Payment of your membership dues includes an automatic subscription to this periodic professional publication.  I know I look forward to each issue, which provides informative content regarding industry best practices, current technology & equipment, and perspectives from a wide array of industry leaders.  It also includes information to cultivate your professional development by providing Conference schedules and published books. 

#2:  Association List-Serv 

Members may gain access to the list-serv, which provides a valuable communication resource for reaching out to fellow professionals for advice and tips regarding a wide variety of topics associated with our industry.  It also serves as a conduit for sub-contractor opportunities as well as direct referrals for business opportunities.

#3:  Website Directory

A valuable resource on the PALI website is the Member Directory.  It provides quick access for members to contact fellow members and for potential clients to locate a professional to provide needed services.  As part of the membership application process, members listed in the directory have undergone a vetting process.  The directory is searchable by name, county, or specialty.

#4: “PALI GUIDON” – the association’s newsletter 

The newsletter is published quarterly and is chocked full of informative and interesting information which is relevant to professional investigators and security providers.  Articles address issues such as:  techniques & tips, spotlights on specific industry professionals, interesting case studies, relevant current events, and lighter things like recipes.  Members typically look forward to the release of each new issue.

#5:  Annual PALI Conference

Many members look forward to gathering annually at different venues for the Annual PALI Conference.  Over the course of a couple days, it offers various opportunities to interact with fellow professionals, exchange ideas, “shoot the bull,” and just have a good time together.  Highlights of this event include informative educational sessions by industry leaders, vendor displays, meetings to conduct business, and social events, which include tasty meals and lots of conversation.  There is plenty of time to catch up with old friends and make some new friends.  One of the notable social activities is the open bar and world-famous karaoke gathering, where members can share their talent (or not).  Always a good time!

#6:  Promotes professionalism of our industry

PALI promotes and projects a professional image of our industry.  Members are vetted to ensure they have integrity, appropriate experience, and required licensing to conduct business.  The association also encourages continued professional development of its members, which enhances the quality of the services we provide to the public.

#7:  Networking

Membership in PALI affords numerous opportunities to network with fellow professionals.  Networking facilitates professional development, business opportunities, guidance with techniques & technology, camaraderie, and fellowship.

#8:  Opportunities for service on the Board of Directors

There are periodic vacancies for positions on the Board of Directors.  Volunteering to serve in one of these positions represents opportunities to help ensure the association remains viable and relevant as an organization into the future.  The Board discusses, plans, and develops policies, procedures, and practices to enable the association to effectively function.  The Board endeavors to act in the best interests of its general membership and the investigative/security industries, overall.  Volunteer service lends your voice toward this effort. 

#9:  Opportunities for service on Committees

Just like Board service, service on one of the various PALI committees also provides chances to contribute to the mission of the association.  There are committees for:  Membership, Legislative, Compliance, Constitution & By-Laws, Publications & Newsletter, Website & List Serv, and Law Enforcement Liaison.

#10:  IT’S FUN!

Engagement with many of the above-described activities provides chances for social engagement with your fellow professionals, which often results in humorous moments and the sharing of hearty laughs.  This is good for your soul! 



